Neuropathy is a term for pain or discomfort caused by damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is made up of several nerves that bring signals from the brain and spinal cord to other — or peripheral — parts of the body. Damage to these nerves can impact the way the body sends signals to muscles, joints, skin, and interior organs. This can cause pain, numbness, loss of sensation, and other symptoms. For people treated for breast cancer the most frequent cause of uncomfortable or painful neuropathy that restricts activity is chemotherapy medications are systematic treatments that move throughout the body, where they can cause nerve damage.
Chemotherapy-associated neuropathy may start any time after treatment begins, and it may worsen as treatment continues. Some symptoms include pain, tingling, burning, weakness, tickling, or in arms, hands, legs, and feet sudden, sharp, stabbing, or shocking pain sensations loss of touch sensation clumsiness trouble picking up items or fastening clothing.
If you suffer from Neuropathy consult your doctor, he/she may make adjustments to your treatment medications or provide pain inhibitors to help #manage these symptoms. Neuropathy is one of the many #treatment side effects that often we, as survivors are not prepared for.
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